Running ========= An updated command line usage description can be obtained with: autocrypt -h At the time of writing the output is: usage: autocrypt [-h] [--version] [-d] [-m PGPHOME] [-l] [-n NEWACCOUNT] [-r NEWPEER] [-a] [-g] [-u] [-p PASSPHRASE] [-c] [-f FROMH] [-t TO] [-s SUBJECT] [-b BODY] [-e PE] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version show program's version number and exit -d, --debug Set logging level to debug -m PGPHOME, --pgphome PGPHOME Path to Autocrypt home, ~/.pyac by default -l, --list List account and peers -n NEWACCOUNT, --newaccount NEWACCOUNT Email address for the new account. It will also generate new OpenPGP keys. -r NEWPEER, --newpeer NEWPEER Email address for the new peer. -a, --genac Generate Autocrypt Email. Use -f, -t, -s, -b, or the defaults will be use -g, --genag Generate Autocrypt Gossip Email -u, --genas Generate Autocrypt Setup Email -p PASSPHRASE, --passphrase PASSPHRASE Passphrase to generate an Autocrypt Setup Email -c, --genasc Generate Autocrypt Setup Code -f FROMH, --fromh FROMH Email sender address and OpenPGP UID -t TO, --to TO Email recipient addresses separatade by comma -s SUBJECT, --subject SUBJECT Subject for the Autocrypt Email -b BODY, --body BODY Body for the Autocrypt Email -e PE, --pe PE prefer-encrypt for the Autocrypt Email -i INPUT, --input INPUT Path to the Email to parse, by default: /home/user/_my/code/mailencrypt- related/pyac/tests/data/example-simple-autocrypt- pyac.eml -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT Path to store the Autocrypt Email, by default: /tmp/output.eml An useful argument when reporting bugs is ``-d``.